
Technology, digital & media | Survey results

Technology, digital & media | Survey results | YouGov
  • Ed Balls is a regular presenter on GMB news, ITV’s morning current affairs programme, and he is married to the Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, whom he interviewed earlier this week on matters relating to her role. Do you think this was or was not acceptable?Survey Results

    20 days ago

  • Do you plan to watch coverage of the upcoming Paris Olympics...?Survey Results

    about 1 month ago

  • Do you think the television programme ‘Midsomer Murders’ does or does not need a trigger warning at the beginning of the show?Survey Results

    about 1 month ago

  • Have you ever attended Glastonbury festival, watched coverage of it on television, or listened on the radio?Survey Results

    about 2 months ago

  • A candidate for Mayor in a town in Wyoming, United States, says that if elected, he will defer all decision making to an AI bot, which he says has better ideas and understanding of government than many people currently serving. Do you think it is a good or bad idea for elected leaders to use AI to help with their decision-making role?Survey Results

    2 months ago

  • Do you think it is or is not possible to fall in love with someone you’ve never met in person, but have met online or through an app?Survey Results

    2 months ago

  • Do you think social media platforms should or should not be required to display “cigarette-style” health messages on them, warning that they are associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents?Survey Results

    2 months ago

  • Are there any TV , radio or social media presenters where it feels as if you know them personally?Survey Results

    3 months ago

  • When the time comes that there are no WW2 veterans left, do you think commemorations on key anniversaries should or should not continue?Survey Results

    3 months ago

  • How much impact, if any, do you think attempts to use AI-generated 'deepfake' videos that make it look like politicians have said something they did not are likely to have on the general election?Survey Results

    3 months ago

  • When on public transport, how comfortable or uncomfortable do you feel about making a phone call?Survey Results

    3 months ago

  • Do you feel like the world at the moment is in a more or less dangerous state than usual?Survey Results

    3 months ago

  • If you had met someone on a dating app and had so far only communicated with them via text or instant message, would you prefer to speak to them on the phone before meeting in person, or not?Survey Results

    4 months ago

  • If you watch or listen to a dramatization or documentary based on a true story, how often, if at all, do you look up information about the real people online afterwards?Survey Results

    4 months ago

  • Would you consider having your fortune told (e.g. by a psychic or tarot card reader)?Survey Results

    4 months ago

  • Do you think a store that was fully automated and did not have any human staff should or should not have to follow rules limiting the number of hours stores can open?Survey Results

    4 months ago

  • Have you ever posted something on social media while drunk that you later came to regret?Survey Results

    5 months ago

  • Do you currently have a difficult or awkward message or email that you are putting off writing or sending?Survey Results

    5 months ago

  • Do you think it is or is not okay for candidates for jobs to fill out their applications using AI?Survey Results

    5 months ago

  • Have you ever edited a photo you’ve taken to improve elements of it?Survey Results

    6 months ago

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Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-08-10