Who Is the Crab? The Masked Singer Prediction + Clues Decoded!

Kyle Montplaisir
Kyle Montplaisir is a contributor and host at Talent Recap. He is the lead detective for the site on 'The Masked Singer' and an encyclopedia of knowledge on 'The Voice' and 'American Idol'. A graduate of Pepperdine University, Kyle is originally from Arizona, but now lives in Los Angeles. When he isn’t watching talent shows and game shows, Kyle loves eating dessert, singing karaoke, and spending time with his wife, Hannah, and dog, Stella
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| April 1, 2021 SIGN IN TO SAVE POST

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There have been more twists and turns on The Masked Singer season five than ever before! And one of the biggest ones is the addition of Wildcards. The Crab came onto the stage with a tragic backstory, but a triumphant voice. He is definitely here to stay!
But which celebrity is under the Crab mask? Let’s break down all the clues that lead to our Wildcard prediction.
Clues on The Masked Singer Season 5
The first set of clues for a Crab started with him saying, “all my life I’ve dreamed of being a star.” He was blessed that his dream came true “in a flash.” Crab claimed, “Everyone in the world wanted to be like me. I felt like a king crab.”
But with every blessing he got, tragedy seemed to follow. Darkness has followed him and his family. A broken mirror floats across the screen. Crab says he and his family have endured “so many twists, turns, and traumas” while his claws are being wrapped up. A calculator with 2+3 on it is shown. Crab says it’s the love of his family that gives him strength. The Mona Lisa is seen underwater. His first song was a tribute to the family members who went before him. The Bee and Butterfly from earlier seasons of The Masked Singer appear in the clues. Crab closes the clues by saying it’s “finally time to let the light back in.”
After his performance, he admitted his first crush was Janet Jackson.
Popular Guesses for The Masked Singer Crab
The panelists have guessed that the Crab could be Lenny Kravitz, Bobby Brown, or Johnny Gill. Surprisingly, fans online seem to agree with Ken for once, thinking he’s Bobby Brown. Other popular options that fans have thrown out as options are Tracy Morgan or Randy Jackson.
Who is The Crab on The Masked Singer?
That voice is so familiar! And paired with all the clues about tragedy and trauma, the Crab can only be one person. And The Masked Singer Crab is…

Bobby Brown!
Yes, now all of the clues and his voice just make sense. No other celebrity I can think of has experienced the loss that Bobby Brown has. Between his parents dying within a year of each other, the recent loss of a son and daughter, and the very public passing of his former wife Whitney Houston, Bobby has been through it all. This redemption arc is the perfect way for him shine light in the darkness.
In the clues, Crab mentioned his dreams came true “in a flash.” Bobby Brown is also known as Flash B. That’s also accurate to Bobby Brown, who started as part of New Edition, which has five members (as seen in the “2+3” calculator). He said he felt “like a king crab,” which points to him being the self-proclaimed “King of R&B.” Bobby has also released an album called “King of Stage.” The Mona Lisa alludes to another album of his, “The Masterpiece.” The Bee and Butterfly are a nod to his initials, BB. Finally, his first crush being Janet Jackson completely checks out. Bobby Brown has said that he was in love with her!
Do you agree with our prediction? Or are there any clues we missed? Watch The Masked Singer on Wednesday nights for more clues and don’t forget to tune in to our YouTube channel for full episode recaps and new reveals every week!
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