
Company Stories ROVOP | Scotland.org

I'm Steven Gray, I'm the CEO and founder of ROVOP. We are a provider of subsea remotely operated vehicles to the energy industry globally. ROVOP has grown from a start-up to being I think today about the fourth or fifth largest supplier of remotely operated vehicle services in the world.

We have a total of two hundred and fifty staff, About fifty of those are onshore in Aberdeen, about twenty onshore in Houston and the remainder offshore working on projects globally. The best analogy for us is that we're the airline not the plane manufacturer, so we buy the best technology on the market for what our customers need, and then we operate it for them.

There's no question for a company like ours operating in our field Aberdeen is a great place  to be based because you have all the skills that you need here. You can find all the right experience and there's just a deep understanding of the industry that really doesn't exist in this concentrated a cluster almost anywhere else in the world really.

ROVOP occupies a £4 million purpose-built facility here in Westhill. We also built the building with expansion space which we're now developing into a remote control room, so we'll be able to operate a project offshore from Aberdeen with the pilot sitting here, much like drone technology.

I think it's helpful for us to be a Scottish company. Some of the values that I think people would recognise as typical of this part of the world, like integrity and straightforwardness I think play very well on a global basis. What's very rare is the ability to work in a global industry but live in a place with a fantastic quality of life.


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-08-04