
A Woman in My Kids Kindergarten Refuses to Treat Her Sons Lice Infestation, and My Own Kid Is

It’s wonderful when your kid has a good friend who they enjoy spending time with. But what do you do if your child’s friend’s head is full of lice and their mother refuses to get rid of it?

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns about the incident with your kid. We at Bright Side understand how unsettling and challenging this situation must be for you. Based on your description, here are some practical and realistic pieces of advice to help you navigate through this situation.

  • Schedule a face-to-face meeting. Arrange a meeting with the child’s mother in person to discuss the situation. Try to educate the family about the health risks and ethical issues of having head lice. Explain that head lice are parasites that feed on human blood and can cause itching, irritation, infection, and even anemia.
  • Protect your child. If the family is still unwilling to treat their kid’s head lice, you may have to limit your son’s contact with his friend. You can still invite him over to your house, but make sure they don’t share any personal items, such as hats, brushes, pillows, or towels. You can also ask the boy to wear a shower cap or a scarf when he visits.
  • Use preventive measures. You can also take preventive measures to protect your son from getting head lice. You can use natural remedies, such as tea tree oil, lavender oil, coconut oil, or vinegar, to repel the lice and keep his hair clean and healthy. You can also check his hair regularly for any signs of lice or nits and treat them promptly if you find any.
  • You can try to persuade the family to use vegan-friendly head lice treatments that don’t harm the lice but prevent them from reproducing or attaching to the hair. For example, you can suggest they use dimethicone, which is a silicone-based substance that coats the lice and suffocates them without killing them. You can also recommend they use products that contain enzymes or plant extracts that dissolve the glue that holds the nits to the hair shafts.
  • Offer to help them with combing out their son’s head lice and nits. You can use a fine-toothed metal comb and a magnifying glass to remove as many lice and nits as possible from his hair. You can also use a wet paper towel or a lint roller to collect any fallen lice or nits from his clothes or furniture. You can then dispose of them in a sealed plastic bag or flush them down the toilet. You can also ask them to wash their son’s bedding, clothing, and other items in hot water and dry them on high heat to kill any remaining lice or nits.
  • Consult with your son’s daycare about their policy on head lice and how they handle cases of infestation. You should inform them about the situation and ask them for assistance. They may have some resources or guidelines on how to deal with head lice effectively and safely. They may also be able to intervene and persuade the family to treat their kid’s head lice or exclude him from attending until he is free of them.

Make sure to approach the situation with empathy, understanding, and open communication. It can go a long way in finding a resolution that works for everyone involved.

We hope that the boy will eventually manage to get rid of the lice and will be living a happy lice-free life. Here is another story of a grandmother who decided to breastfeed her grandchild.


Tandra Barner

Update: 2024-08-30